最近微软推出的能根据照片测出人物性别年龄的“how-old.net”掀起了不少的网络风潮,人们乐此不疲地上传个人或名人的照片去判断年龄。当然这样就 会令不少用户产生对隐私方面的顾虑,微软会如何处置这些照片?别担心,微软在How-Old.net的首页就明确标识着“PS.We don't keep the photo(放心微软不会保留图片)”。
不过也有些特别较真的用户认为,在具体ToS用户服务条款中并没有明确显示微软不会保留任何图片的条款,事实上条款允许微软在一定程度上保留图片的权利。根据Global News报道,微软的how-old.net网站方面再次表明了不会保留任何用户上传的图片的态度。(可能保留初期的测定结果)。微软进一步解释道,由于该网站应用是基于微软Azure云服务工具开发的,在Tos用户协议方面他们保留了业界通用的陈述,但是How-old.net应用开发团队可以选择其具体策略,他们选择了完全不在网站保留任何用户上传图片的方式。
“By posting, uploading, inputting, providing, or submitting your Submission, you are granting Microsoft, its affiliated companies, and necessary sublicensees permission to use your Submission in connection with the operation of their Internet businesses (including, without limitation, all Microsoft services), including, without limitation, the license rights to: copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, translate, and reformat your Submission; to publish your name in connection with your Submission; and to sublicense such rights to any supplier of the Website Services.”
2015-05-08 13:35 30楼
2015-05-07 10:09 29楼
2015-05-07 09:09 28楼
不涉密的人 可以玩玩 , 涉密的同志 要注意点.
2015-05-06 19:44 27楼